Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What Have You Done For Me Lately

After 20 years with Hubby we know all the steps to our word dances.

This morning I was outside cleaning up the pool area, rearranging things, mopping the floor in the pool house, and looking at everything through “what needs to be cleaned next?” glasses.

The patio deck is a little darker in some places, notably under the planters and table. A good pressure washing is in order. I could call someone to come and pressure wash the deck but why? We own a pressure washer, Hubby can clean it can’t he?

Hubby was outside performing a “catch and release” on a turtle that had somehow got trapped in our skimmer so what better time to bring up pressure washing?

“Honey, the patio is in need of a good cleaning. Could you pressure wash it?”

He replied, “Sure honey, I could.”

“Okay, when?”

“I said I could, I didn’t say I would.”

Suddenly I get it, visions of trading shells and animal hides swirl in my head.

“Okay, would you do it?”

“Sure, I would, we can work something out,”

“Okay, for what?”

“Well I would like to play golf on Saturday and Sunday”.

Now he already plays golf on Sunday. We are really only talking about Saturday. And plus he plays with a group of guys that tee off at the crack of dawn.

Upside: 1.) He gets exercise, 2.) I get to sleep in, 3.) The deck is pressured washed

Where’s the downside?

“Okay honey, that’s fine” I sigh.

He walks away pleased with his bartering skills.


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