Monday, June 2, 2008

Some Cereals Are Just for Girls

This morning was cereal morning. The girls that had food detail today, had set out several types of cereal and some muffins for breakfast.

My daughter-in-law and hubby were downstairs when I came down seeking some java assistance to begin my day.

Let's see which cereal would I eat... Honey Nut Cheerios? Froot Loops? Honey Bunches of Oats or Curves? I chose the Curves. The lady on the box sure looked happy, jumping up in exhilaration - she probably already had her coffee.

The cereal was so good I asked hubby if he wanted some. He looked at me over his glasses and said "No". In a way like I was asking him if he wanted to shave his legs or do something totally against his grain.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because that's girl cereal" He replied.

"Girl cereal?"

"Yes, it's a girl cereal".

"Okaaaaayyyyy" (drawing the word out very slowly and deliberately) "What would be a guy's cereal?"

My daughter-in-law says "Wheaties." Hubby says "Yeah! Wheaties!"

"Or Raisin Bran" he adds.

And another "girl's" cereal?

She's quickly replied (must've already had her coffee), "Special K".

Now the sad part is this, I get it. I totally get it.

Curves is for girls.

1 comment:

Babsie said...

Like Trix is for kids?

I once tried to convince my husband it was OK for him to eat a LUNA bar, even though it says right on the label it's "nutrition for women" or something like that. I mean, it's not like they spray those things with estrogen or anything. No go. No way, no how.

Makes me wonder what other foods are gender-specific. Chicken salad sandwiches -- definitely girl food. So what's guy food, beyond the cereals mentioned? (And I think Raisin Bran is androgynous, personally...)