Thursday, June 5, 2008

Snakes on a Tree

Today we went to the Serpentarium. Yes, you read that right, snakes. Lots of snakes.

Black snakes, corn snakes, rattlers, pythons, all sorts of snakes.

Snakes in enclosed glass boxes, snakes in logs, snakes in water, snakes in the grass, and snakes in trees.

That last one gave me the heebie jeebies. That's me above, eyeing the snake tree with trepidation.

Imagine this, a tree with snakes draped over the branches, curled up in knots, and slithering up and down the trunk.

You think "Snakes on a Plane" made you flinch??? Walk next to a snake tree and visions of snakes falling on your head will make you scoot along at a quick pace.

Saw a young guy in the snake pit picking up eggs. I asked him if he had found a nest. He said "No, these are probably from the black racer, she sits on a branch and just drops her eggs."

I looked at him and said "Really?"

He replied "Yeah, she isn't exactly know for her mothering instincts".

What an understatement.

I think I'll tell my offspring that it's a big plus for them that I hung around and just didn't plop 'em out saying, "Good luck, have a nice life."

I watched "Snakes on a Plane". What a waste of two hours of my life. But I did cover my chest as I walked by the snake tree. Some things leave an impression and makes certain "parts" tingle.

They also had alligators. Big ole fat alligators. Seems they feed theirs daily when most wild alligators eat once a week. Thank God, hopefully they won't lunge at kids thinking "Chicken!".

I have been to several places that have alligators and I have yet to see alligator poop.

Don't they poop? Where is it? Have you ever seen it? It's a mystery I tell you.

I couldn't wait to get out of that place and back to the beach. You don't see snakes on the beach.

If you do, please keep it to yourself.

It was a long day for our middle son and hubby. The heat was getting to them at the Sepentarium. Something about a hangover coupled with heat and humidity that will make you feel putrid.

Not that they drunk alot, but at midnight hubby was still downstairs. I'm sleeping and I hear "BAM" and then "I got you! I win! Who's the man??"

They had conducted their annual armwrestling championship. One year hubby won't take the prize and the torch will be passed. But until then, he gloats and crows and enjoys the competition.

Visions of them armwrestling, ummm, a little inebriated?, on the glass top table had me frozen in bed for a sec.

Reminder - We are renting this house.

We don't own it.

We luckily have renters insurance for the week. I see the deposit winging away.

"So.. where did you wrestle?"

"What do you mean?" As he lazily opened an eye.

"Which table did you use?"

"Which one do you think?"

After numerous Jack and Cokes he stills wants to play games? This man that smells like the rum cake we eat on Christmas Eve?

I sit up in bed and loudly exclaim " Did you sit at the glass top?"

"Do you think I'm stupid?"



Babsie said...

Oooooooookay! Snakes and arm wrestling, eh? Sounds like today should be a very girly-girl day...mani/pedi anyone? You deserve it.

Mareeba said...

OMG I'm getting the heeby jeebies just thinking about the snakes.

I will never watch Snakes on a Plane...

Do something really fun for your last day!