Friday, July 18, 2008

Project Kitchen

You know how they say you should never build a home with your spouse unless you are ready to test, really test, your marriage?

I totally get that.

Not that hubby would ever find himself living the single life and partying like a rock star, I would kill him first.

He'd be out of control on his own.

Plus we, well, me, has this thing; I want a 50 year anniversary party. I'm putting all our kids on alert right now, when we hit 50 years of togetherness, a big shin ding needs to be organized by you offspring. That would be 31 years from now - plenty of fair warning. I'd start getting a plan together at year 48 if I were you guys. Keep in mind our friends will be old and may need a ride back to the "home" and you might have some erhhh, deletions. (if you know what I mean)

Why do they think I give dad all those vitamins and tea concoctions?? I want a party!!!

Two little old people holding hands and eating cake and getting hugs from everyone. Yup, sounds like heaven to me. Of course I may have Alzheimer's and not know anyone there, so bring pictures and wear name tags and be ready to explain to me how we are related.

But back to the kitchen.

We are ready to start taking the first steps toward the renovation. It's more like I'm ready, hubby would rather save every penny first and then start the project. That would be one massive project in my book, I like doing it in stages. Plus, once we get started we will be so gung-ho to get it done that we will do everything we can to conserve and have "kitchen money".

Ever hear the saying about how do you eat an elephant? You eat it one piece at a time.

That's like this kitchen, looking at it in stages makes it not so daunting to me.

But I drive my beloved crazy.

I am not logical he says.

I don't have a plan he says.

I can not visualize spatial relationships. Well he has me there...

But I am logical, to me anyway, and I do have a plan, but just not HIS plan.

To give you an example at how we differ from one another it's best to talk food. I can read a recipe and just by seeing the ingredients and how's it prepared, know how it will taste and whether I will like it or not.


"All those ingredients sound like a salad"


"What's capers?"


"Why am I reading this again? I'm not cooking it am I?"

So, when it comes to measuring a cabinet to see if a wine chiller will fit, it's well within my scope of understanding to make comments such as;

"Why do you have to measure from the inside?"


"Do you add in the inches from the tape measure itself?"


"What do they mean by "depth"? We already measured up to down."

I can see colors in my head and match things without having a sample in my hand.

He can find places using a map. That's pretty impressive to me, I find things by saying "turn right at the fist BP station by the store that sells those pretty baskets".

So I will have to let you know how this project goes...

I dragged our middle son into the fray. He renovates and remodels and builds and fixes and does all the stuff that hubby and I don't know how to do. I would probably run him off if we did everything at once. It's better to deal with me in "doses" when it comes to something like this, no need to get the full obsessive personality at one time.

He is so careful too - he painted the upstairs guest room for me and it is a work of art. He even helped with choosing the right shade. He sure has grown up since that Robin Egg Blue color he picked for his bedroom when he was 10. Woo boy howdy - talk about bright! I thought Peter Cottontail would hop on down the bunny trail in there. It looked like an Easter egg.

I stopped at the tile store today and have a sample of the mosaic tiles that I want to use for our back splash. I also have the Sherwin Williams color wheel with the color picked out for the walls.

Don't think I will show it to him just yet.

It would look like a salad.

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