Thursday, July 3, 2008

Leave a Message After the Beep

Last night I had a meeting to attend so I was gone for most of the evening. It was late, a little after 10, when I returned and hubby was already in bed snoozing.

A few minutes later, I too was asleep.

This morning I got up and checked my email. It's part of my morning routine, like getting coffee and taking the dog out.

There was an email in my inbox that just plain says it all. It shows that women can spot the limitations of men in regards to taking and delivering messages.

1. Writing the message down accurately is not going to happen.

2. Saying "Sue called", may even be too much to remember.

3. Saying "Someone called you" might happen.

4. Saying nothing is probably more like it.

So when a friend of mine called and had some questions about color choices for a bowl set that I ordered, she immediately spotted that number four was the most likely occurrence in our home.

Her email to me was thus;

Hi. I tried calling this evening, but you weren't home . . . your husband and I agreed that leaving a message via email was better than leaving one with him :-)

She's pyschic.

Or just married herself.

So I ask him... "Honey, did anyone call me last night?"

He looks at me for a moment and then says, "Yeah, some lady about some bowl thing."

"I know, she sent me an email saying she thought it was best not to leave a message with you. Now why would she do that? What did you say on the phone?"

"Well, she gave me her name and I didn't recognize it, I still don't know who she was, and then she started rattling off stuff about bowl colors and when she was done she asked if I understood."

"And then what did you say?" I asked.

"At first I didn't say anything, it didn't make any sense to me. So I just said okaaaaay. It was all mumbo-jumbo to me."

"So she told you she would just email me?"

He replied, " Yeah, she said "Maybe I better email her" and I thought that was a good idea and told her okay why don't you do that?"

He looked at me for a minute and said "Why what's the problem? You got the message didn't you?"

Well, he's right.


gapepper said...

What did we ever do before email? At least he answered the phone! Jay just looks at the caller ID and if it's for me, he lets the answering machine answer it. Oh, and even better than that is when he listens to the messages on the machine first, and then doesn't tell me there's one on there for me. Grrrrrr

Babsie said...

I swear it's like TV flippage. Both traits reside somewhere on that Y chromosome.

The only thing worse at taking messages is a teenage boy. You don't even get a yes or no answer when you ask whether anyone called. You get a "huwwnwhhhh."

Mareeba said...

Once when I asked my cousin (teenager) if I could leave a message for my Aunt, he asked:

What's a message?"

You can't make shit like this up...