Friday, June 6, 2008

We're Out of Milk

So this morning hubby gets up and gets me a cup of coffee to sip slowly in bed as I wake up. He's a good guy.

It's 630 and we are probably the only ones awake.

As he goes out the bedroom door, I ask him to take the dog out. She knows I'm talking about her and gets up and moves as far away from me as possible. I will admit she does look comfortable snuggled on the bed, she may even be contemplating going back to sleep. I would too if someone had rubbed my belly and cooed; "What a cute girl!" and " Oh, that's a good stretch" and let's not forget the little kissy sounds.

Well maybe not fall asleep right away....

He brings the coffee back upstairs and announces there is only a half gallon of milk left.

That's a big deal for this clan.

We need about a gallon for breakfast, a cow would be nice.

He volunteers to go to the store. The thing is, he is ready right now. He could get his keys, get in the car and drive to Piggly Wiggly without being stared at as he walks in the store.

It would take me at least 30 minutes to get ready and then I still would have to figure out what to do with my wild beach hair. He looks good rumpled, and sexy with that gray stubble.

Not fair. Not fair at all.

We go downstairs and he starts to look around the kitchen and asks me if we need anything else. Our middle daughter is up and wants coffee creamer. And we also need bottle water. He says okay and starts to head out.

"Oh yeah," I shout after him "and lunch meat."

He stops.

He turns.

He walks back into the kitchen.

He looks at me and says " You know that's four."

Oh yeah..eeek... four items.

Now I have to make him a list. For he has a three item retention limit.

Middle daughter looks at us oddly.

"Were you going to ask him to get a certain flavor of creamer?" I ask.

"Yes, it has to be Carnation brand French Vanilla".

"Good luck on that." I laugh

She tries to find a notepad and a pen but can only find crayons and Bounty. Even Bounty will tear when you try to write on it with a crayon.

She gives up. She looks down and realizes how long it will take her to get ready. She shrugs and says whatever, throws on a sweatsuit and goes out the door in about 5 minutes.

Wish I could do that.

But I drink my coffee black.

And I can eat toast.

I chuckle as I kick back and enjoy the quiet.

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