Friday, August 15, 2008

Warning Signs for My Daughter

My youngest grand daughter, who is soon to be my middle grand-daughter, is said by her mother, my oldest daughter, to be just like me.

How wonderful. For me.

For her I am sure she is thinking what did she possibly do to deserve this?

It's karma baby, what goes around comes around.

At first I didn't get what oldest daughter was saying, so I started looking for signs.

I get it now.

Signs that my grand daughter has been unduly influenced by me;

1. She tells her mom she likes "good chocolate". That means the $35.99 per pound chocolate that comes from the little store run by two German ladies that dote on her.

2. She likes shoes. She comes over and wears my heels around the house. The other day I picked her up from school and asked her about her teacher.. did she like her? " Oh yeah" she replied. "She's nice. And she wears cute shoes." "And she keeps her feet pedicured" I replied.(pretty scary that we notice these things, and a little wierd too)

3. She likes scrambled eggs. Her mom thinks eggs are gross. I love soft scrambled eggs and so does she. (we both eat them in front of her mom to gross her out)

4. She thinks Sephora is da bomb. We call it Nirvana around here. Nothing better than to go shopping there for some lotion or spray and carry that bag around the mall.

5. She worries about other people. (that can be very stressful for me - hope she doesn't take it to the extreme like I do at times)

6. She likes Starbucks, Well she does get the hot chocolate or the organic chocolate milk so I haven't been her coffee supplier. But I am sure I will one day.

7. The hummus at Mellow Mushroom could be our whole dinner. And we have to share it? Why I ask???

8. Earth Fare is our favorite grocery store. The lighting is pleasant, it calms us down.

9. She gets her feelings easily hurt.

10. She doesn't understand why everyone can't be friends. Why does their have to be "best" friends?

Maybe she won't do some of the stuff I did as a teenager, oldest daughter was alot calmer than I was...

For that let's hope she takes after her mom.


Babsie said...

Yup - she's your "mini me" all right!

gapepper said...

LOL! You're just now figuring out that she's you made over? Some of us who are not even family have known that since you first started telling us about her. And after you meet her - well, there's no doubt! Give her a hug for me when you see her again.